Research on properly preparing pork

The Weston A Price Foundation has been doing some live blood analysis research on the effects of pork consumption on red blood cells. They find that when pork is not properly prepared the red blood cells tend to clump together after ingestion. However, they have identified 2 methods to mitigate this: Marinating in vinegar (Chinese/Asian …

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Why giving up “news” is good for you

So I will quibble about whether what is called “news” in the US is worthy of that label rather than something like “fear-based narcissistic infotainment”. Still I think this may be one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time that echoes my feelings toward “news” specifically and consumption of media in general. As people …

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Another good resource for uncovering corporate agribusiness ownership

A lot of businesses who started as small, independent, organic companies get bought by large agribusiness corporations. These acquisitions are kept quiet so that the products can coast on their perception of still being a small, conscientious business. It is difficult for people to find this information and remember it. This set of tables should …

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Some companies to avoid

I swear I posted this graphic previously but now I cannot seem to find it. This was made for California’s Prop 37 to require the labelling of genetically modified foods. The Cornucopia Institute put together a poster listing all of the companies for an against Prop 37. The companies against are nearly all companies who …

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What does a healthy lifestyle look like?

How much does this typical day for the residents of Ikaria, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, sound like your typical day? Wake naturally, work in the garden, have a late lunch, take a nap. At sunset, they either visited neighbors or neighbors visited them. Their diet was also typical: a breakfast of goat’s …

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