Another good resource for uncovering corporate agribusiness ownership

A lot of businesses who started as small, independent, organic companies get bought by large agribusiness corporations. These acquisitions are kept quiet so that the products can coast on their perception of still being a small, conscientious business. It is difficult for people to find this information and remember it. This set of tables should help, the first being brands which have been bought up and then second being those brands which have not been bought up. This serves as an effective guide to help consumers decide where their money is going.

Some companies to avoid

I swear I posted this graphic previously but now I cannot seem to find it. This was made for California’s Prop 37 to require the labelling of genetically modified foods. The Cornucopia Institute put together a poster listing all of the companies for an against Prop 37. The companies against are nearly all companies who began as organic or health oriented and were purchased by large corporate conglomerates. These products should be avoided as their manufacturers do not support the right of people to know what is in their food.

Below I’ve summarized the companies as a list.

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In vitro fertilization and other assisted reproductive technologies may cause epigenetic changes

Most of the research has been done on 2 rare disorders: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and Angelman syndrome. There has been evidence that link increased rates of these disorders with IVF. Some of the research can be found here:

The New York Time summarized some of these findings, including how much is still unknown in this article: Picture Emerging on Genetic Risks of IVF.

However, a more recent observational study (Reproductive Technologies and the Risk of Birth Defects) suggests that IVF may not be a causal factor but ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) may be. More importantly it suggests that birth defects may be related to the conditions causing the infertility rather than the IVF process itself. As with many medical treatments it should be clear that assisted reproductive technologies are not designed to heal or cure the underlying cause or causes of infertility. Thus it should not be a surprise if the cause or causes of infertility present some risk of birth defects. That’s not to say that people should not have some concern about the possibility that IVF can introduce epigenetic changes to their offspring. This study would suggest that addressing the cause or causes of infertility may be worth addressing, regardless of whether assisted reproductive technologies are also employed.

As with many areas of health, there are still many unknowns on this subject that require much more study.

Pharmaceutical Drugs Linked With Violence Against Others

I came across this during some research. This study was published in December 2010 and found increased acts of violence associated with certain pharmaceutical drugs. Of the 31 drugs they found linked to increased violence 5 of the top 10 were either SSRI or SNRI antidepressant drugs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Here is a list of all antidepressant drugs found linked to increased violence:

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What does a healthy lifestyle look like?

How much does this typical day for the residents of Ikaria, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, sound like your typical day?

Wake naturally, work in the garden, have a late lunch, take a nap. At sunset, they either visited neighbors or neighbors visited them. Their diet was also typical: a breakfast of goat’s milk, wine, sage tea or coffee, honey and bread. Lunch was almost always beans (lentils, garbanzos), potatoes, greens (fennel, dandelion or a spinachlike green called horta) and whatever seasonal vegetables their garden produced; dinner was bread and goat’s milk. At Christmas and Easter, they would slaughter the family pig and enjoy small portions of larded pork for the next several months.

The Island Where People Forget to Die

A medley of modalities – QRA, CRA, NET, NIS, EFT, NAET

I did some searching for videos demonstrating some of the many alternative health modalities.