A Lifelong Fight Against Trans Fats

From the New York Times: [Dr. Fred Kummerow] became a pioneer of trans-fat research, one of the first scientists to assert a link between heart disease and processed foods. It would be more than three decades before those findings were widely accepted. “Cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease, except if it’s oxidized,” Dr. …

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Berberine as an alternative to Metformin

Metformin (Glucophage) is currently a popular drug prescription for treating Type 2 Diabetes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. However 3 clinical trials from Chinese researchers suggest that Berberine, a substance found in several plants and historically used medicinally, is as good or better than Metformin. Summaries of the 3 studies and their references are listed below.

Reports that “fish oil” might “cause” cancer

A couple of clients have asked about the media reports which have suggested a causal link between fish oil supplementation and prostate cancer. I do not want to spend a lot of time on this so here are the major problems with the reporting: No participant in this study was tracked on their use of …

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Research suggests benefits of whey protein for handling obesity and type 2 diabetes

I came across this free full text article which concludes: Whey protein… enhances the release of several hormones… that lead to reduced food intake and increased satiety… The ability to amplify insulin secretion by whey protein may be safer than the commonly used therapeutic agents. The induced satiety, increased thermogenesis and comparable magnitude of blood …

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