Day 2 Notes from the 2014 NTA Annual Conference

Disclaimer: I did my best to take notes at the NTA conference but there may be errors in either my comprehension or transcription of the points presented. I am publishing these without any commentary on my part and these do not necessarily represent my beliefs.

Michele Simon, JD, MPH –  How They Lie-The Underhanded Tactics of the Food Industry

  • the biggest emotional button the food industry relies on is fear
  • no logical response to GMO labeling – people polled overwhelmingly support more information, including GMO labeling
  • industry responds with campaign that focuses on fear of higher prices
  • another talking point is that there will be job losses – from soda taxes
  • fear that the government will take away freedoms
  • distract away from facts – like how much sugar in soft drinks
  • industry claiming they want to protect consumers from being confused
  • the industry is not in the business of protecting consumers, they are in the business of selling product
  • there are studies to refute all these claims
  • show me the data
  • industry are not good spokespeople so they must manufacture/buy credibility – look at history of tobacco industry – message carried by doctors, academics, etc, or those portraying them
  • front groups – names always use warm and fuzzy names “council”, “alliance”, “institute”, “community”, “coalition”
  • front groups for food industry release fact sheets, put up ads, engage media
  • front groups put faces of sympathetic individuals – small business owners, individuals – not the funders
  • very good at tapping into local issues and concerns and create local front groups to manufacture credibility
  • another way to manufacture credibility is corporate sponsorship – such as sponsorship of AND
  • industry must also tear down opponents – using personal attacks
  • industry also has a lot of more money and effective in using it
  • industry gets to lie and gets to shout louder
  • lies of fear and pretending to care about you
  • lies of credibility (manufacturing and tearing down)
  • industry always claims job losses in response to any public policy proposal – crying wolf
  • why are the CEO’s of these companies not going to the media to make their case – why are they buying experts
  • education is not sufficiently effective – public policy is important to change the environment to support people in making healthier choices
  • name the junk food company and they are there with the AND
  • AND attacked Michelle Simon as not being credible for not being an RD
  • AND accepted no responsibility and deflected the issue
  • Dieticians for Professional Integrity came out of the woodwork that junk food corporate sponsorship is not ok
  • no photography allowed at the AND conference anymore
  • reporters are doing a good job exposing aspects of the food industry
  • WA 522 GMO labeling initiative – food companies caught breaking the law by funneling money through front groups without legal disclosure – caught late in campaign
  • food industry now wants voluntary GMO labeling and remove ability for states to regulate
  • prwatch, civileats, marion nestle, tom philpott, mark bittman,


Dr. Robert Blaich – Your Inner Pharmacy

  • Dr Goodheart – asthma is not really a lung problem, it’s an adrenal problem – improving function of adrenals a person could produce their own corticosteroids
  • foreign concept to people that their own bodies produce bronchodialiaters – think “chemicals” come from outside the body
  • working with endurance cyclists – adrenal support (glandulars), bee pollen, b vitamins, essential fatty acid
  • what you do to help the body make more chemicals to help the body
  • foreign notion that the body produces anti-inflammatory chemicals
  • body trauma can lead to inflammatory conditions and nutrition can correct those conditions
  • powerful pharmacy within us that can create health or disease
  • importance to strive for balance between antagonistic biochemical systems
  • 3 critical factors – raw materials (diet, supplements), lifestyle, proper functioning body
  • eg insulin – raw materials of amino acids, zinc
  • In 1900 average 40 year old would have consumed 400 pounds of sugar in life – In 2000, 6000 pounds – so 15x more raw materials needed for insulin to compensate
  • athletes may need 100x more nutrients than a person who is sedentary
  • paancreas wearing out due to a lifetime of work in 5 or 10 years of high sugar consumption
  • infectious diseases are no longer the leading cause of death – chronic disease, NCD’s
  • JAMA 2004 – US chronic disease consumes 78% of national health care expenditures and principal cause of disability
  • chronic disease is a set of symptoms that develop as the body fails to regulate itself
  • chronic disease are managed but rarely cured
  • common chronic diseases – hypertension, CVD, asthma, GERD, diabetes, arthritis, mood disorders (depression and anxiety) – 2 trillion dollar a year disease management industry
  • these common chronic diseases are what happens with chronic stress / fight or flight / sympathetic response – if you are attacked by a saber toothed tiger 5 times a day
  • 1949 woman with severe rheumatoid arthritis – blast of cortisone led to pain-free – could treat without having to know what was wrong or what was causing the problem in the body
  • 1964 beta-blocker for blood pressure – body could produce adrenaline without raising blood pressure – again, not looking at cause of high blood pressure just turn off receptor sites
  • JAMA 2004 – the lifestyle syndrome – cluster of conditions and diseases – chronic disease
  • squaring the survival curve – James Fries MD Standford – maintain 100% biologic function until the day someone drops dead instead of decades in poor and deteriorating health
  • treatments for acture disease is not the right match for chronic disease – chronic disease requires a new approach – keep people healthy / prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease
  • empower people – you can control the onset and progression of disease
  • new questions: what is the malfunction? What is causing or triggering it? How to correct it (minimizing trade-offs)?
  • Healthy aging is an endurance event – restore and maintain normal function
  • Malcolm Gladwell “Outliers” – three mile island – no single big thing went wrong – similar to chronic disease – multiple things each in isolation not a problem
  • plane crashes – minor malfunction, bad weather, tired pilot – combination that leads to disaster
  • rheumatoid arthritis – adrenal issues plus food allergies/sensitivities – multiple interacting factors including some nutritional, sometime genetic, usually stress
  • liver uses thiamin to breakdown lactic acid – if you exercise more you need more thiamin – also those who consume a lot alcohol, or women with excess estrogen
  • any pain might be wheat related
  • food senstivities can be iga igg igm or combination – delayed reaction
  • oral pH should be 7.2-7.4, more acidic is indicator of more inflammation in the body

Nora Gedgaudas, NTP – Explosion of Autoimmunity: Newly Understood Mechanisms & Natural Tools for Effective Management

  • autoimmune thyroid not often checked for – doesn’t change course of treatment – medications improve blood work but often don’t help symptoms
  • Horror Autotoxicus
  • autoimmune and AI related diseases are numerous – 80 recognized – now up to 100, 40 more having AI component – including cognitive and psychiatric illness
  • disconnect between medical doctors and immunologists – medical doctors not trained in autoimmunity and immunology
  • even if a doctor acknowledges autoimmune condition there is very little to offer outside of some symptom ameliaoration
  • majority of AI diseases are sharply on the rise
  • autism as autoimmune brain disorder beginning in pregnancy – mothers have antibodies for child’s brain
  • 1 in 50 children 6-17 have autism as of 2013, 600% increase in past 2 decades
  • 1 in 100 people in US has celiac disease – autoimmune condition with antibodies to iGa trans-glutamase enzymes – more likely to effect brain and nervous system than the gut
  • 54.1% people with depression may have antibodies to serotonin receptors
  • also parkinsons, other mental disorders, and other diseases not commonly thought of
  • women have higher risk 15-18 to 1 compared to men in most autoimmune conditions
  • diseases of a bad interaction between genes and environment
  • AI lies at the intersection of environmental triggers, genetic susceptibility, and gut permeability
  • cyrex labs autoimmunity lab panel is the best for finding autoimmunity
  • red flags for autoimmunity – chronically depressed white blood cells < 5, overly depressed triglycerides < 40, over-elevated cholesterol or depressed cholesterol < 150, elevated CRL > 1.0, ferritin < 40, total protein < 6.9 or > 7.4, ESR higher than normal, and more
  • common causative factors – gluten (initiate or exacerbate every autoimmune condition)
  • gluten as a gateway food sensitivity – activates zonulin, which increases gut permeability
  • Is gluten really safe for non-coeliac individuals?
  • Absorbtive endocytosis wheat germ aglutin
  • over 200 health effects which can be linked to gluten
  • 400% celiac increase in the last 50 years – 2009 Gastroenterology
  • glyphosate may exacerbate the effects of gluten
  • as of 2013 60oz of roundup is legal for people in US to consume in 1 year up from 2oz in 2012
  • less than 5% of people suffering from gluten sensitivity or celiac disease is ever diagnosed
  • as we become more compromised we cannot compensate for gluten
  • gluten is not a food, it’s a contaminant
  • cross-reactivity – similarity between antibodies / antigens
  • standard gluten testing only looks at ige to alpha gliadin
  • many other triggers / causes of autoimmune
  • 3 stages of autoimmunity – silent stage (producing antibodies but no symptoms), autoimmune reactivity stage (symptoms), advanced autoimmunity (only stage recognized by medicine)
  • th-1 cell mediated – viruses, bacteria
  • th-2 humoral – antibody production, extracellular, allergies, sensitivities, parasites
  • th-3 helper cells – work to mediate th-1 and th-2 so neither becomes destructive, brain does not have th-3, autoimmune have poorly functioning th-3 and polarized to th-1 or th-2
  • taming nfkb – turmeric / curcumanoids, trans-resveratrol, glutathione and precursors, alpha lipoic acid, R-lipoic acid
  • th-1 or th-2 dominant leads to cytokine overreaction
  • immune boosting supplements can make symptoms worse
  • th-1 dominant more in organ autoimmune
  • th-2 dominant more systemic autoimmune – can be triggered by flavanoids
  • th-3 – EPA (fish oil, krill oil), vitamin D3, boost/recycle glutathione levels, PRP’s
  • helminthic therapy – hookworn or whipworm eggs – stimulates th-2 function so th-1 dominant people can feel better but autoimmune is not a deficiency of parasites
  • autoimmune people – identify environmental triggers, avoid/eliminate them, put out the fire, health the gut, support the tissues
  • avoid things which suppress or stimulate immune system, avoid toxic chemicals, avoid processed/gmo foods, lose the gluten, limit stress, journaling, supplements, tedt vit d levels, no refined salt, clean water, lots of pytonutrients and antioxidants, ketogenic diet
  • acetaminphen and alcohol are #1 glutathione destroyers
  • important to support mitochondrial support
  • l-arginine and citrulline are bad because they increase iNOS
  • exercise – short and intense
  • genes for autoimmune that switch on cannot be switched off – accepted consensus


Andrea Nakayama, CNC – A Functional Nutrition Approach to Thyroid Health 

  • each disease state can manifest differently in different people – need for bioindividual approaches
  • nutrition to enable people to live a full and quality filled life through disease
  • 1 in 5 people in US have hypothroidism – 97% are hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroid
  • 10 times more women have hashimoto’s than men
  • very likely to see women clients with hashimoto’s
  • best not to get lost looking for the next quick fix
  • many symptoms – fatigue, memory/cognition, body aches, coldness
  • thyrioid issues – hyper/hypo/fluctuating between the 2, viral load, autoimmune, hormones, neuro-transmitters, toxins, inflammation
  • hashimoto’s is a full systems disease – affecting many systems
  • clinicians should create maps to help clients
  • myriad of factors affect the thyroid – want to find missing link
  • hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis – TRH → TSH → T3, T4
  • TSH used to be only hormone tested, still today by many – this is not sufficient
  • head injuries can impair function of hypothalamus / pituitary
  • serotonin and dopamine can affect TRH or TSH pathways
  • TPO enzyme is one that gets attacked with hashimoto’s
  • thyroid is small and only secretes 2 hormones T3 and T4, TPO involved in creation of both
  • 93% T4 but inactive until converted to T3
  • T4/T3 – tyrosine and iodine components
  • lab wish list – TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, Thyroid antibodies TPO and TgAb, methylmalonic acid, ferritin, 25-hydroxy vitamin D
  • liver and kidneys need to functioning well
  • 5-D-Iodinase – need selenium and zinc (brazil nuts for se, oysters for zn)
  • reverse T3 is inactive like T4 – stress causes more reverse T3 as does low ferritin
  • divide Free T3 by reverse T3
  • T3 activated in the gut
  • need to discern the root of the thyroid issue before addressing it
  • look at environmental inputs, stress/resilience, nutrient deficiencies despite the best dietary intentions, sleep and relaxation, genetic predispositions, triggering events, foods, oxidative stress, viral, bacteria, cellular energy, detoxification
  • autoimmunity – genetic predispositions, leaky gut, microbiome
  • medicine has become too compartmentalized so symptoms which cross systems are not recognized
  • antecedents – predispositions, genetics, family history
  • triggers – evoked response
  • mediators – make things worse or better
  • supplement iodine and selenium in tandem


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